From our Findings file: for thinky types and policy wonks, the Disruptive Innovation Festival — site here — might be of interest. From November 2 – 20, mostly online but also in physical locations around the world, the annual festival “brings together entrepreneurs, designers, industry, makers, learners and doers to explore and respond to the changing economy.”
Sponsored by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in the U.K., topics range from the sweeping, such as the circular economy, to the specifics, such as energy-efficient cooling with charcoal. The videos remain online for anyone to watch, free, at their leisure. Here’s a taste from 2014, of previous festival highlights:
In case you missed it: our latest lineup of new works on Facts and Opinions:
- Ahmed Chalabi: Death of a Salesman
JONATHAN MANTHORPE, International Affairs Column - Priest sex abuse: before Boston, there was Newfoundland
TOM REGAN, Summoning Orenda Column - Known Unknowns in Global Economics
JIM MCNIVEN, Thoughtlines column - U.S. rejects Keystone XL pipeline
F&O post - Trans-Pacific Partnership details released
KRISTA HUGHES & MATT SIEGEL Report - The Feeling of Being Displaced All the Time: Andy Williams
BRIAN BRENNAN, Brief Encounters, Column (*Subscription) - World Indigenous Games
UESLEI MARCELINO Photo-essay - Myanmar’s abuses yield ready supply of slaves
PENNY GREEN et al Report - VW took corporate ethics industry to the brink.
- Global oil industry slipping into the red
RON BOUSSO, KAROLIN SCHAPS & ANNA DRIVER Report - Spectre: James Bond in an age of cybersecurity
JOSEPH OLDHAM Arts, Review - Washington, courts defy Beijing imperialism
JONATHAN MANTHORPE, International Affairs Column - North Korea’s black market the new normal.
JAMES PEARSON & DAMIR SAGOLJ Report - Axing China’s one-child rule unlikely to change population.
STUART GIETEL-BASTEN Report - A Satirist Wanting to Be Taken Seriously: Nancy White.
BRIAN BRENNAN, Brief Encounters Column (*Subscription) - Daylight savings linked to injuries, heart attacks
DAVID A. ELLIS Report - Hurricane Patricia spares cities, roars through Mexico.
LIZBETH DIAZ and Reuters photographers Report - Big World, Small Planet: book excerpt.
JOHAN ROCKSTROM & MATTIAS KLUM Expert Witness - China faces crippling water shortages and pollution
JONATHAN MANTHORPE, International Affairs Column - Sicario: a movie that haunts Arts
SEBASTIAN ROSELLA - The evil of Benjamin Netanyahu
TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA Column - Fishing subsidies are emptying oceans.
RASHID SUMAILA Report - Your Smart Home Knows a Lot About You.
LAUREN KIRCHNER Report - Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015, Photo-essay
Natural History Museum, London - ‘There’s Something Happening Here …
JIM MCNIVEN, Thoughtlines Column - ICYMI: Focus on Canadian politics
F&O’s collated news, essays, columns on 2015 election - The Remaking of Fleetwood Mac: Bob Welch
BRIAN BRENNAN, Brief Encounters Column (*Subscription) - Adios, Buena Vista Social Club.
ROD MICKLEBURGH Arts - Getting Back to his Country Roots: Kenny Rogers, Arts
BRIAN BRENNAN, Brief Encounters Column (*subscription) - SISTER DENTON: Out of the Cave and Onto Facebook.
NEIL HALL & ANGUS BERWICK Photo essay - Homage to Mad Max,
MARIO ANZUONI Arts/Photo-essay - Playing the market: China’s small investors,
ALY SONG Report-Photo essay - Waiting for America’s next mass murder
TOM REGAN — SUMMONING ORENDA column - America’s gun cult, Switzerland’s firearms culture
JONATHAN MANTHORPE — International Affairs column - New conversation needed for complex GMOs.
MAYA MONTENEGRO Expert Witness - Singer, Songwriter … Novelist: Sylvia Tyson
BRIAN BRENDAN, Brief Encounter Arts (*subscription) - Syria: new weaponry test bed,
DAVID STUPPLES Report - Mark Carney: The tragedy of the horizon, in Expert Witness
MARK CARNEY - A barbaric cultural practice: using racism to earn votes, Opinion
TOM REGAN — SUMMONING ORENDA Column - U.S. bombed Afghan hospital,
REUTERS Reports - Earthprints: Toronto’s Leslie Street Spit,
ANDREA HOPKINS/MARK BLINCH Reports-Photo essay - Andasol: the world’s biggest solar power farm,
MARCELO del POZO Report - Tibetan Buddhists, Andean Paqos, climate change,
BRIAN BIENKOWSKI Reports - Life goes on in rural Newfoundland, a Photo-Essay
Last but not least, don’t miss the Google Doodle today, on Hedy Lamar.