Matters of Facts, and Opinions, this week

Facts and Opinions is on a reduced publishing schedule until after Labour Day in September, when our regular columnists and schedule will return. What Comes After Colombia’s Peace Deal?   By Annette Idler  Analysis What will happen after the  Colombian government and the guerrilla group

Facts, and Opinions, that matter this week

New York’s Colour Line, Between Black and Blue, by Ruth Hopkins  Magazine  When American police officers shot dead two black men – Anton Sterling and Philando Castile – within 24 hours in the sweltering heat of July, thousands took to the streets

Matters of Facts, and Opinions, this week

Where I live, in the Pacific Northwest, aboriginals and many newcomers refer to ourselves as The People of the Salmon. This week, sports fishing was cancelled, alongside closed commercial harvests, on the mighty and mythical Fraser River. Too few wild salmon are returning from the Pacific

Facts, and Opinions, this week

Dump the Olympics, by Tom Regan, Summoning Orenda columnist There comes a time in life when all good things must come to an end. This is certainly true of the “modern” Olympics with one small change – the Olympics are no longer

Matters of Facts, and Opinions, this week

Public Health Crucial for Urbanized World, by Nate Berg  Report About 4 billion people now live in urban areas. Denser concentrations are considered efficient, reduce environmental impact and are more sustainable. They also mean a greater risk of exposure to infectious diseases. Pope at Auschwitz, Says Same Horrors Happening

Matters of Facts, and Opinions, this week.

Our work this week ranges from a photo essay of Ireland, to economics, to political commentary about what happens when a well-organised and productive country puts a despot in charge. You may have to read Jonathan Manthorpe’s piece to guess which country.  Hint: it’s not

Facts, and Opinions, that matter this week

Supporters of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan cheer at the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey July 16, 2016. REUTERS/Huseyin Aldemir Reporting Turkish coup crumbles, crowds answer call to streets, by Nick Tattersall and Ece Toksabay An attempted Turkish military coup appeared to crumble

South China Sea nears boiling point with Hague ruling

On Tuesday, July 12, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled will rule on an argument by the Philippines government that China’s claim to own 90 per cent of the South China Sea is false. The court is expected to rule ruled

Facts, and Opinions, this week

Fishing with Fire: a photo essay, by Tyrone Siu  Report Under the darkness of the night sky, a small group of Taiwan fishermen set sail off the northeast coast, light a fire on the end of a bamboo stick using chemicals and

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