TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA October, 2015 Canadians are committing an act of insanity. Insanity being doing the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result. On October 19 millions of Canadians are marching to the polls to repeat a time honoured
Read More →JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs May 14, 2016 One highly desirable result of an isolationist Donald Trump presidency is that it would expose in short order the philosophical, economic, political and moral corruption that has been at the heart of Canadian defence policy
PENNEY KOME: OVER EASY October, 2015 “Dear kids, we are starting on a new adventure together,” newly-elected Justin Trudeau said from the giant overhead TV screen. I was standing in Liberal candidate Matt Grant’s post-election party when Trudeau’s acceptance speech appeared on
By William Thorsell October, 2015 Not in recent times have Canadian voters had an opportunity to “throw the bastards out” in the classic phrase. Elected officials generally leave office before such public urges get to them. Brian Mulroney stepped down five months
TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA October, 2015 Canadians are committing an act of insanity. Insanity being doing the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result. On October 19 millions of Canadians are marching to the polls to repeat a time honoured tradition: throw
A snapshot of the police beat this week in Toronto, Canada’s biggest city and its national centre of commerce: The Day the Rob Ford Story Stopped Being Funny “If this guy isn’t in jail, why bother having police at all? Why not
Self-styled “brown guy” Naheed Nenshi has reshaped politics in Canada’s conservative, white-bread energy capital. By BRIAN BRENNAN October, 2013 The mayor of Calgary, Alberta, was about to give a speech in Toronto when an aide drew him aside to tell of