By Deborah Jones Launching Facts and Opinions made one thing clear: as well as a boutique media outlet, our collection of journalists now owns a digital startup. On some level we knew that from the get-go. But it really only
Read More →By Barry Rueger Bell Canada is set to axe 4,800 jobs, sell dozens of radio stations, cut newsrooms across Canada, and destroy CTV’s star investigative program W5. The announcement by BCE Inc. made big news-but the real damage was done
By Julie Posetti May 3, 2017 The ability of journalists to report without fear is under threat from mass surveillance and data retention. Released this week, my UNESCO report Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age shows that laws protecting journalists and sources
By John Jewell, Cardiff University October, 2016 Recent articles about the public relations firm Bell Pottinger are a stark reminder of the power and pervasiveness of PR in today’s fragmented media landscape. The Sunday Times and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed that
TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA September 17, 2010 Several years ago, then CNN journalist Campbell Brown uttered what I’ve always called the “Campbell dictum” on reporting: “If I interview two politicians, and one says it’s raining and one says it’s sunny and I
TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA May 14, 2016 Friends, North Americans, country men (and women), I come to bury commercial journalism, not to praise it. First of all because there is almost nothing to praise. And unlike Marc Anthony with Caesar, I want
“Spotlight,” the film based on the Boston Globe’s investigation of the Catholic Church, is a remarkable achievement. — Stephen Engelberg, ProPublica editor STEPHEN ENGELBERG, ProPublica February, 2016 There’s a moment in almost every movie when people in the audience who really
TOM REGAN February 20, 2015 Many years ago, when I was a Nieman fellow at Harvard University, a colleague and friend from Uganda, Charles Unyongo-Obbo, and I were the last two people to leave a function. As we walked out into the crisp
It’s been a helluva year so far in the media world, which began with the slaughter of 12 people, including 10 journalists, outside the office of Charlie Hebdo in January, as part of a wider attack by extremists in Paris. Journalism lost
The World Economic Forum, AKA the “annual summit for the one per cent,” kicks off in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, tomorrow. Subjects range from bicycles for African kids to global trade, Ebola to climate change, “honey laundering” to oil markets. Switzerland’s tourism industry is delighted
Everybody is asking for money this week, to beat year-end deadlines. It’s exhausting. As well as giving money that works sideways at best — to charities and NGOs, from conservative think tanks to environmental groups — I wish more people would be