Column: The West’s New Top Justice Is Indigenous. So What?

The appointment of Leonard Marchand to the ranks of Canada’s top justices is less remarkable than the mundane tone of the announcement. The new Chief Justice of British Columbia and Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal of Yukon “is a highly

What next? …after Canada’s Day of Truth and Reconciliation

VANCOUVER, B.C. – Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation saw a national outpouring of grief and anger over indigenous residential schools, and the genocide of Canada’s aboriginal peoples. Now that the day’s drums are stilled, the joined voices of lament

BILL WUTTUNEE remembered 1928 – 2015

PENNEY KOME November, 2015 My hero and longtime friend William Wutunee has gone to meet the Great Creator at the age of 87. Or maybe not. Although Bill was a shaman who sometimes donned his Grand Chief eagle feather headdress to lead