Zimbabwe Collapse looms over Mugabe succession

JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs July 23, 2016 The natural span of life is approaching its end for 92-year-old Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader since 1980, but the infighting over the succession is so intense that no one is running the shop, and there

One Zimbabwe success story

In great contrast to the Borgia world of Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Grace Mugabe — the subject of last week’s column by International Affairs columnist Jonathan Manthorpe  — is the skill, imagination, talent, determination and sheer hard work that ordinary Africans have to employ to

Zimbabwe’s new colonial master

It looks increasingly as though Zimbabwe’s peasant farmers have simply exchanged colonial masters, writes International Affairs columnist Jonathan Manthorpe. An excerpt of his new column, China accepts tribute from its vassal, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe: That significance is likely to grow early next year, when

Who will succeed Robert Mugabe?

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is 90. He has never named a successor and there are indications he enjoys the confusion he spreads by seeming to favour one candidate and then another, writes International Affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe. It is a measure of

South Africa’s solidarity unravelling

South Africa’s unlikely alliance, of forces drawn together by opposition to apartheid, was always expected to unravel, notes international affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe. That is now happening because, with public disgust at corruption and incompetence within the African National Congress (ANC) government