Chris Wood: How to respond when a world is at stake?

Writes Chris Wood: “We heard this week that a few members of a previously ‘un-contacted’ tribe in Brazil, provoked by the appearance of outside prospectors in their roadless territory, had emerged from the jungle. The event prompted hand-wringing in ethno-cultural circles over

Russia steps into North Korea/China split

Discord between China and North Korea has provided fertile ground for Moscow, itself increasingly isolated over Ukraine, writes International Affairs columnist Jonathan Manthorpe in a new column, Jilted Putin courts Kim Jong-un for comfort. Excerpt: The ripples set in motion by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and

America’s Race-relations Agony

Six decades ago this year, the United States Supreme Court outlawed “separate but equal” schools. Fifty years ago this summer, hundreds of black and white volunteers converged on Mississippi in an effort to — as they put it — make Mississippi a part

Libya’s potential new dictator, with CIA links

Libya, already rife with  political, tribal and religious divisions, is threatened by yet another coup, warns International Affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe. Excerpt of today’s column: A renegade Libyan general, reputedly with links to Washington’s Central Intelligence Agency, is well on his way to filling

Man Booker Longlist goes Global

Organizers of  the Man Booker Prize released their first long list in a competition open to the wide world — or at least to titles written originally in English, and published in the United Kingdom. Read the column Judging the Man Booker Prize by

Jon Stewart Learns What Happens When You Criticize Israel

Article 19, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of

Online Tracking That’s Virtually Impossible to Block

  by Julia Angwin, ProPublica A new, extremely persistent type of online tracking is shadowing visitors to thousands of top websites, from to First documented in a forthcoming paper by researchers at Princeton University and KU Leuven University in Belgium, this

Environmental Assessments Include Climate

By Chris Wood,  Natural Security columnist How wide to cast the net when examining the environmental damage a proposed industrial development might do, is a contested issue. In Canada, panels weighing the impacts of proposed oil pipelines from Alberta to the Pacific

Ukraine and Palestine as Nature’s Harbingers

Even amid shocking news events, we ignore at our peril the larger reality of what is happening to our world, warns Chris Wood in his Natural Security column. Excerpt: More than on most days, the handcart in which we are all riding toward

Religious extremism slouches onward

“Few parts of the world have avoided the destructive influence of social dislocation – if not always of violence — inspired by religious extremism, based often on racial ultra-nationalism,” writes International Affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe in today’s column. Excerpt: It is not just fanatical

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