“The Rock” Caught In A Hard Place

JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs April 8, 2017 Legend has it that as long as the five troops of 300 Barbary Apes continue to live in Gibraltar, the 6.7 square kilometre peninsular on Spain’s southern tip will remain British. But as the reality

Britain needs election to clear Brexit fog

JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs November 4, 2016 At the heart of Britain’s Brexit drama is a fundamental problem of political legitimacy. None of the main players now in leading roles has any mandate to have their voices heard. This central void loomed

Brexit will save the European project

  JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs July 8th, 2016 When the dust of history settles, the moment angry Britons voted to quit the European Union will stand out as the moment that saved the 28-nation project. Two weeks after the referendum produced a

European Union’s role in Ukraine mayhem: analysis

Europe is culpable for the violence in Ukraine, writes international affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe in his new column. Excerpt: European leaders should not congratulate themselves too heartily for mediating the compromise agreement that, with luck, will end the demonstrations and appalling violence