JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs April 23, 2016 Until quite recently, while Queen Elizabeth and her family were celebrating her birthday every April 21, a group of elderly men in south-west Africa were nursing the effects of the birthday toasts they
Read More →JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs January 16, 2016 (Updated) Taiwan has surged over the hump of its 35-year voyage from a military-ruled, one-party state to one of the most successful and vibrant democracies in Asia. Tsai Ing-wen, 59, leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs January 8, 2016 By the time 2016 is two weeks old, each one of Canada’s 100 best paid corporate chief executives will have pocketed more than three times as much as the average Canadian can expect to take home
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs December 19, 2015 I was wrong when I said in last week’s column there is little reliable information available about the extent of soil pollution in China. Well, half wrong. In my hunt for facts I foolishly neglected to
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs December 11, 2015 Vancouver’s grossly inflated housing market, the United Nations’ climate conference in Paris and China’s catastrophic environmental degradation were all linked this week in a circle of cause and effect. On Tuesday the authorities in Beijing
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs November 20, 2015 It is cold comfort, certainly, with the horrors of Paris and Beirut still fresh, but the terrorist tactics adopted by the Islamic State show clearly the group is heading down a path of political irrelevance
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs November 6, 2015 Ahmed Chalabi is lucky he died this week. Had he lived even a few months longer he would have had to face yet more charges that he is personally responsible for the death and destruction
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs October, 2015 At long last, the Beijing regime has this week been dealt two significant set-backs to what is the world’s most extraordinary contemporary campaign of imperial expansionism. On October 29, a tribunal under the United Nations Convention
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs October, 2015 It was easy for prime minister designate Justin Trudeau to tell the world that Canada “is back” as an eager and reliable partner, but it will take a large and consistent investment in time, effort and money to
JONATHAN MANTHORPE: International Affairs October 9, 2015 In the ranks of “barbaric cultural practices,” the United States’ addiction to firearms is among the most deadly. As of October 9th, 10,193 people had been killed by gunfire in the U.S. this year. That means
The flood of money from China into Canada has not only contorted and distorted the Vancouver housing market beyond redemption, it has changed the sort of community Vancouver is going to be for generations to come, writes Jonathan Manthorpe. And, in a