Wanted: A new story of humanity’s place in the world

The prevailing perception of humans as inherently at odds with nature is not only false, it’s counterproductive By Philip Loring June, 2015 It goes without saying that humans are good at causing problems. Climate change, overfishing and widespread environmental contamination from chemical

Chris Wood: roads paved with good intentions

Voluntary business sustainability standards are tricky things, as Chris Wood found when he examined report cards on their applications to agriculture and Walmart. Another tricky thing? The vigilance of shoppers. AKA us. An excerpt of his new Natural Security column: Ronald Reagan,

Newfoundland fishery 20 years after cod moratorium

Twenty years after the Canadian government shut down the 500 year old Newfoundland cod fishery there are few signs of recovery of the near-extinct legendary fish stocks on the Grand Banks and north west Atlantic ocean. The fishery has changed but it