Noteworthy: antibiotics and superbugs

Superbugs, caused by wanton use of antibiotics, have the potential to change human civilization: by erasing the gains made in fighting bacterial disease since WWII, destroying many of our weapons against cancer, killing infants and our injured, rendering hospitals even more dangerous.

Noteworthy: stories that matter

So little time, so many stories. How to find worthy tales? Friends of F&O, apparently pressed for time, who know we spend our days scanning global media, asked us to recommend the odd item. Sure thing. And, just as F&O is about boutique instead

Ending AIDS by 2030: The doctor who found the key

On World Aids Day today, Rod Mickleburgh profiled Julio Montaner, the Argentine/Canada doctor who’s led the successful fight against HIV/AIDS using harm reduction strategies. The United Nations agency UNAIDS said in a release its goal of “ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is

On Advent, John Mason Neale, and a winter hymn

 The period Christians call Advent begins Sunday November 30. In countries with Christian populations pop music increasingly gives way to religious hymns, leading up to Christmas. Michael Sasges gave thought to one of the season’s most evocative pieces, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

One Zimbabwe success story

In great contrast to the Borgia world of Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Grace Mugabe — the subject of last week’s column by International Affairs columnist Jonathan Manthorpe  — is the skill, imagination, talent, determination and sheer hard work that ordinary Africans have to employ to

Vera Lynn: “It was simply my duty to keep on singing.”

Vera Lynn achieved international fame with the songs she made popular on the radio during the Second World War. Arts columnist Brian Brennan reports in his new time capsule piece that she wanted to try other kinds of music after the war. But the

Black-and-Blues Friday

It seems that “Gray Thursday” is the new name for the fourth Thursday of November each year in the United States. The name marks the re-purposing of a traditional event — from a communal giving of thanks, to shopping. Shopping for sale

On Ferguson, Darren Wilson, and Michael Brown

Ferguson, Missouri, burst into flames after a grand jury found no cause to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown on August 9. Some 700 National Guard troops were immediately summoned, with 2,200 reinforcements added Tuesday, to quell

Welcome Aboard

  Facts and Opinions warmly welcomes two new journalists aboard our adventure: Tom Regan, on the eastern seaboard of the United States, and Michael Sasges, on Canada’s West Coast.   Michael Sasges is F&O’s new copy editor. He also contributes occasional Verbatim and other reports, and essays. A

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