New Facts and Opinions this week

If Facts and Opinions were published on old-fashioned print, we’d be selling a thick, heavy book on newsstands this week — glossy pages packed with photos and scintillating text plus, given the prohibitive costs of print, scads of advertising to sway your minds and empty your wallets.

Tom Regan is appalled at American media coverage of Baltimore. Above, Baltimore resident Kwame Rose challenged Fox News celebrity Geraldo Rivera over news coverage of Baltimore . Photo: screen shot from YouTube video
Tom Regan is appalled at American media coverage of Baltimore. Kwame Rose challenges Geraldo Rivera of Fox News over its coverage. YouTube

Instead, F&O is a digital journal, non-partisan, owned by its contributors. And we’re different from most in our reliance only on subscribers – neither we, nor your eyeballs, can be bought; no advertisers are welcome on our pages. And this week we’ve put out a great digital “book” — thought-provoking, informative, packed with terrific photos  — including a bit of fun.

Bhaktapur, Nepal, in the wake of the April 25 earthquake. Photo: Laxmi Prasad Ngakhusi/UNDP
 Bhaktapur, Nepal. Laxmi Prasad Ngakhusi/UNDP

New Dispatches:

New in Commentary, the Loose Leaf Salon, and Arts:

The World Happiness Report 2015 both describes and prescribes. The people of Togo and Burundi and Syria and Benin and Rwanda are the unhappiest in the world, and the people of Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Canada are the happiest. Read Jeffrey Sachs' prescriptions for happiness, here.
The World Happiness Report describes and prescribes.

In case you missed them: 

Check our Contents page regularly for our new works. Look for evidence-based reporting in Reports. Find commentary, analysis, arts and creative non-fiction in OPINION-FEATURES, and image galleries in PHOTO-ESSAYS. Some of our original works are behind a paywall, available with a $1 site day pass, or with a subscription from $2.95/month – $19.95/year. Tell others about us. If you value our journalism, please help sustain us.