If Facts and Opinions were published on old-fashioned print, we’d be selling a thick, heavy book on newsstands this week — glossy pages packed with photos and scintillating text plus, given the prohibitive costs of print, scads of advertising to sway your minds and empty your wallets.

Instead, F&O is a digital journal, non-partisan, owned by its contributors. And we’re different from most in our reliance only on subscribers – neither we, nor your eyeballs, can be bought; no advertisers are welcome on our pages. And this week we’ve put out a great digital “book” — thought-provoking, informative, packed with terrific photos — including a bit of fun.

New Dispatches:
- Tesla claims new battery is world-changing (Blog post, by F&O)
- Earthquake postpones Nepal’s bright dawn, by Jonathan Manthorpe (paywall)
- Nepal’s Predictable Agony, by Deborah Jones
- The science behind the Nepal earthquake, by Mike Sanford, CP Rajendra, Kristin Morell
- Beyond Lassie: seeking dogs to protect livestock, and predators, by Ben Goldfarb
- Regenerative capitalism: ‘the Great Work of our time,’ by F&O
- Matters of Media (Blog post, by F&O)
New in Commentary, the Loose Leaf Salon, and Arts:
- Canada’s Queen of Suspense: L.R. (Bunny) Wright, by Brian Brennan (paywall)
- Earthquake postpones Nepal’s bright dawn, by Jonathan Manthorpe (paywall)
- How America’s white media failed Baltimore, by Tom Regan
- Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical: Galileo v Copernicus, the rematch, by Chris Wood
- The Crush Also Rises: only Spain’s vineyard-plant exceed China’s, by Michael Sasges

In case you missed them:
- VERBATIM: The prescriptive World Happiness Report , by Michael Sasges
- Why Comcast Walked Away, by Leticia Miranda
- How to make seal flipper pie, by Greg Locke (paywall)
- Earth getting greener, despite deforestation, Yi Liu, Albert van Dijk, Pep Canadell
- People who commit ‘murder-suicide’ are extremely rare, by Peter Kinderman
- Television Comedy for Intelligent Viewers: Bob Newhart, by Brian Brennan (paywall)
- Eritreans take perils of the Mediterranean over torment at home, by Jonathan Manthorpe (paywall)
- The end is NOT nigh — North America’s security psychosis, by Tom Regan
- The Dutch Prescription: take the future to court, or take it outside, by Chris Wood
- Now for Another Debt Crisis, by Jim McNiven
Check our Contents page regularly for our new works. Look for evidence-based reporting in Reports. Find commentary, analysis, arts and creative non-fiction in OPINION-FEATURES, and image galleries in PHOTO-ESSAYS. Some of our original works are behind a paywall, available with a $1 site day pass, or with a subscription from $2.95/month – $19.95/year. Tell others about us. If you value our journalism, please help sustain us.