Priest sex abuse: before Boston, there was Newfoundland

TOM REGAN: SUMMONING ORENDA November, 2015 It was a bombshell. A well-known local paper printing a front-page exposé on sexual abuse by Catholic religious figures in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the country. Not only did the story expose malfeasance on the

Facts, and Opinions, this week

F&O starts our week in easternmost Canada, with Greg Locke’s photo-essay about the resilience (and beauty) of rural Newfoundland. We focus onPope Francis’s visit to the Americas; relish the news about Africa’s bright spot of Ivory Coast; puzzle at a seemingly-crazy notion that orange juice could replace petroleum; and heed Tom Regan’s warning

Save our “ruined planet,” urges Pope Francis

    Pope Francis, on the eve of the most contested papal writing in half a century, said on Wednesday that all should help to save “our ruined” planet and asked critics to read his encyclical with an open spirit. The document is

An atheist praises Pope Francis

Facts and Opinions’ Seeking Orenda  columnist Tom Regan is a fan of Pope Francis. Regan is an atheist. He explains in his column, My atheist fan letter to Pope Francis. An excerpt: When you’re an atheist you don’t spend much time thinking about “important” religious

Free Range: Thou Shalt Not Kill

The world might want to pay close attention to the new leader of the Catholic church, I suggest in my latest Free Range column. With his first mission statement, Pope Francis is taking his flock to war – against capitalism as it’s