
A snapshot of the police beat this week in Toronto, Canada’s biggest city and its national centre of commerce: The Day the Rob Ford Story Stopped Being Funny  “If this guy isn’t in jail, why bother having police at all? Why not

Jones: a Ford nation

Canada, once phlegmatic, is no longer a serious country. The national and global obsession with Toronto mayor Rob Ford confirms something Free Range columnist Deborah Jones increasingly suspected about Canada’s national character. The question is, how to respond. To laugh, or cry?    

A Rob Ford nation

DEBORAH JONES: FREE RANGE Published November 13, 2013 Canada is consumed with the antics of Toronto mayor Rob Ford. OK, the fact Ford remains in office in the country’s biggest city is grave. He earlier admitted to smoking crack, and today publicly said in city council

What Might Have Been

By Brian Brennan The recent headlines in Canadian newspapers have been all about things that didn’t happen. In Toronto, the headlines have been about a mayor who didn’t step aside or undertake to seek help after admitting he’d smoked crack cocaine while “in