Talk, not guns, between Egypt and Ethiopia – for now

There is an unintended consequence of the army’s coup in Egypt, writes international affairs analyst Jonathan Manthorpe in today’s column. It has averted the threatened war between Egypt and  Ethiopia, over control of the waters of the Nile River on which Egypt

Seamus Heaney’s living past

In 1995 the Irish poet Seamus Heaney was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, “for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.” In his death today he becomes a part of our “living past.”

Seamus Heaney: R.I.P.

DEBORAH JONES: FREE RANGEPublished August 30, 2013   The death of Irish poet Seamus Heaney is a reminder of the luminous souls amongst us, whose work will reverberate long after today’s transient thugs and loud charlatans have passed through the news cycle.

Greenpeace at 40

By Deborah JonesVANCOUVER, Canada, 2011  A simple phone call about dead sea otters washing up on the shores of Alaska after United States nuclear tests led to the birth of environmental organization Greenpeace four decades ago. Irving Stowe and his wife, Dorothy,

Bragging rights on snow

What is the difference between God and a ski instructor? God doesn’t want to be a ski instructor. Students in Level One of the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance, however, very much do — or at least earn the badge. By Deborah Jones

Daniel Pauly: In a few decades, there will be no fish

By Deborah JonesVANCOUVER, Canada, 2005 From his separation from his mother as a toddler in postwar France, to his deprived childhood as a live-in servant in Switzerland, to his recent winning of a prestigious Japanese award, Daniel Pauly’s life is like a Dickensian tale writ

Orcas condemned to die

DEBORAH JONES: FREE RANGE July, 2002 (originally published by the Toronto Globe and Mail.) The tale of Springer, the spunky orphaned orca, has the superficial tenderness of a Disney flick. Below the surface, however, lurks a film noir: Just what is causing

911: Good, Evil, and Other

DEBORAH JONES: FREE RANGE Published Sept. 15, 2001 One by one, 34 great silver birds, blown off-course by Tuesday’s American catastrophe, alight. One by one, 6,000 travellers emerge, to fill Vancouver International Airport with a babel of languages and a multicoloured polyglot

A zigzag life: James Houston

By DEBORAH JONES ZigZagBy James HoustonMcClelland & Stewart, 278 pp. Zigzag is true to its name. An armchair journey through the intriguing life of Canadian artist, author, and bon vivant, James Houston, Zigzag treads a path full of twists and turns. Alas, it meanders, without offering