Earthprints: Toronto’s Leslie Street Spit

Leading up to the UN Climate Conference in Paris in December, Reuters has a series of photo-essays titled “Earthprints,” each installment aiming to “show the ability of humans to impact change on the landscape of the planet,” accompanied with NASA satellite images showing the scale of the change. Here,

In Northern Canada’s Peaks, Scientists Track Impact of Vanishing Ice

By Ed Struzik, Yale Environment 360September, 2015 In the summer of 1955, a floatplane flew a small group of American climbers to the edge of a massive icefield straddling the Continental Divide along the Yukon/Northwest Territories border in northern Canada. When the group saw

The Banality of Ethics in the Anthropocene

CLIVE HAMILTONJuly, 2015 Among the great crimes of the 20th century the most enduring will surely prove to be human disruption of the Earth’s climate. The effects of human-induced climate change are apparent now and will become severe this century, but the

Save our “ruined planet,” urges Pope Francis

    Pope Francis, on the eve of the most contested papal writing in half a century, said on Wednesday that all should help to save “our ruined” planet and asked critics to read his encyclical with an open spirit. The document is

Wanted: A new story of humanity’s place in the world

The prevailing perception of humans as inherently at odds with nature is not only false, it’s counterproductive By Philip Loring June, 2015 It goes without saying that humans are good at causing problems. Climate change, overfishing and widespread environmental contamination from chemical

Tesla claims new battery is world-changing

To hear the company chief tell it, Tesla’s new battery will change the world. Tesla Motors Inc. CEO Elon Musk announced the release, at an event live-streamed online, of a new Tesla battery design he described as “like a beautiful sculpture on

Verbatim: The Doomsday Clock ticks closer to disaster

January 23, 2015 Scientists, including 17 Nobel laureates, this week moved the minute hand of their terrible Doomsday Clock two minutes ahead, as they urged world leaders to defuse nuclear and climate-change threats to the world and humanity. We humans have, metaphorically, just

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